Role of Parents in Making the Exam Time Less Stressful for Their Kids
posted on Feb 27, 2020

Regardless of the age of the child, parents always play a significant role in shaping the future of their kids. Sometimes the parents actively encourage the kids to follow their goals, and sometimes they remain silently present behind the young ones as their supporting pillars. Parents, hence, always have a direct or indirect influence on their kids. And one of the crucial phases, when parents can help their kids fight the mounting stress, is during the exams.
Examinations are the hardest times that the children face, and it is the time when they go through intense mental stress as well. Parents can play a significant role in curbing the stress level of their little angels during the exam times. So here, we, at Gurukul The School, positioned among the Best Schools in Ghaziabad, have brought forth some effective tips that the parents can try out to keep their children from any kind of examination stress.
Do Not Compare
Every child has individual merit and the process of learning. Do not compare yours with theirs. You might have appeared for your exams under a completely different set of circumstances as your child’s. Therefore, treat the current situation in separation from your past experiences and never compare their study times or method of learning with yours. Granting them the freedom to prepare individually will ultimately benefit them by reducing stress and enhancing focus.
Be Supportive
Parent’s support is what every child looks forward to. A word of encouragement can work like a magic spell on them. Make sure that you are a support system for them and not a judge of their capabilities and skills. Especially when examinations start approaching, it is of paramount importance that you keep your temperament cool and encourage the children at every stage of their preparation. Never utter negative words and always give them the hope to survive through the hard times.
Be Aware of Their Capacity
Not every child is born equal. Be aware of the fact that children perform according to their merits and capacities. Do not compare the capacity of your child with the abilities of others of his/her acquaintance. This might trigger a sense of depression in your child, making the kid mentally more vulnerable. Treat your kids as individuals, and the best result can be attained. In fact, do not teach them to aim for the results. Instead, teach them to give their best shot and be sure of a positive outcome. Make them realize that there is no shortcut to success and that people who do not give up, succeed in the end.
Stay Calm
The most important part of taking away the stress from your child is to stay calm yourself. If you end up showing your own stress and tension to them, their pressure will be further aggravated. Try to keep calm and make your child understand the benefit of studying with a worry-free mind. When children observe you roaming about with no stress, they will also feel relieved and focus on their studies more confidently.
Stay Focused
When your child would be busy preparing for the upcoming exams, let him/her focus completely on the studies and abstain from discussing the future plans with the kid. During exam-time preparation, it is of much importance that parents do not divert their kid’s mind away from the studies. Discussions regarding the future career plans might be a source of distraction for the child and hence must be carefully avoided.
We, at Gurukul The School, believe that children can study to their maximum capacity only when they read with a relaxed mind. When the mind is free of stress, learning becomes fun for the kids. It is hence important to make sure that the shadow of stress does not follow them, even when it is about their exams. Parents, being the strongest support system for kids, hold a crucial responsibility in aiding their little budding geniuses face the exams confidently, with a stress-free mind. And we are certain that the tips mentioned in this article above would surely help the parents in doing just that.